Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Forts - Day 2

Day 2 - Tolar to Abilene - 214 Miles

Had a great visit with Bill and Martha, even got a great story to be related about Fort Phantom Hill.  Got on the road about 8:30am heading for Jacksboro, Texas and Fort Richardson.   Visited in order:

B - Fort Richardson
C - Fort Belknap
D - Fort Griffin
E - Fort Phantom Hill.
(See individual pages for information on each)

I began trying to call my friends the Criders when in Jacksboro and tried at each stop, even making a couple of separate stops to try to get through.  At all stops my friendly Smart phone said either "No Services" or "Emergency Calls Only."  It was after 5:00pm whenever I got into Abilene and 6:30pm by the time I got a room and took one of those great road showers and cleaned-up.  I know I'm going to catch it from them, but I couldn't bring myself to be arrogant enough to call that late to try to take someone to dinner.  So, I grabbed a quick bowl of chili and salad at Chili's then hunkered down in my room and, exhausted, turned out the light at 8:30pm and went to sleep.  On the plus side I had a great night's sleep.

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